XVI International Symposium "Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics"
October 12-15, 2009, Tomsk, Russia
Author's Index
Author: Хаптанов В.Б. (Отдел физических проблем при Президиуме Бурятского научного центра СО РАН, Улан-Удэ, Россия)
List of reports:
- V.K. Balkhanov, Yu.B. Bashkuev, Khaptanov V.B.
Modelling of circular rings on show ice the field of lake Baikal
- V.K. Balkhanov, Advokatov V.R., Yu.B. Bashkuev, Khaptanov V.B.
Mathematical modelling of categories of the lightning and trunk of the alive tree
- Yu.B. Bashkuev, V.B. Haptanov, L.H. Angarkhaeve, M.G. Dembelov
Geoelectrical section of coastal zone of the Chivyrkuy bay of the Baikal lake on the data of VLF-LF radioimpedance soundings
- Yu.B. Bashkuev, V.B. Haptanov, D.G. Buyanova, M.G. Dembelov
Complex research of natural media by georadar and radioimpedance methods